If Only You’d Been Here

If Only You’d Been Here
If Only You’d Been Here

On Mother’s Day 2010, I woke up in the hospital call room after night shift when my phone rang.  It was my best friend’s mom informing me that Brooke had died a few minutes before.   A flood of emotion followed, devastation mixed with anger that God did not heal her.   The years of prayer seemed like a waste of time and I could not understand why He wouldn’t restore her body. She was only 30.   She had spent the last few years of her life fighting for her life while telling anyone she could how much Jesus loved them, especially to her healthcare team.  Why would He take a soldier like that out of the war?

My church was on the way home.  I drove in the parking lot barely able to see through the tears.  The 8 am service had started.   Not even able to stand to worship because my grief was so heavy, I sat there and cried out to God.  WHY God??? Why didn’t you heal her??   God’s presence began to envelope me in a way I can not explain.    So thick I couldn’t move and I am not sure I was breathing.    He allowed me to feel what Brooke was feeling right at that very moment.  Complete utter peace…..mind quiet, heart stilled, in perfect relationship with the Father.  And He replied to my aching question,

“I did heal her.  See?”

I work in the operating room at a level 1 pediatric trauma center.  Trying to stop someone from dying is the toughest part of the job.  We pour everything we have into those moments and we fight until God says He has other plans for that life.  When we experience a death, it feels like we failed. It is the ultimate PERIOD that stops our efforts and everything we are trained to do.    

It’s a reflection of my life.    I have fought like hell trying to stop the out of control train from derailing and ending in catastrophic loss.    When I never had control to start with.  But I feel like a failure none the less.  Now what do I do with all these unanswered prayers?

Lazarus, was a friend of Jesus.  They had a relationship unlike the other disciples.  Lazarus’ sisters sent word to Jesus that he was very sick and death was imminent.  Jesus waited 2 days to return to their town after receiving the message.  And Lazarus died.   His sister’s were confused and devastated. “If only you had been here, he would not have died!”

How many times have I said this?  For the love of YOU, if you would have just stepped in….If you would have just heard my prayers….I wouldn’t be HERE!   

Jesus asked them to take him to Lazarus tomb.  “Um, he’s been there for 4 days and he rotting and he smells.  Not a good idea.”  But Jesus insisted.    At the grave the Almighty King of the Universe says “Lazarus!  Come out.”  And he walked out!  Healed.  (John 11)

Jesus could have stopped His ministry and came right away when the sisters summoned.  But He didn’t.  It is not a mistake that the gospels records that “he delayed 2 days.”  God wants us to see this.    This wasn’t just about healing a sick person.  That would have been easy to dismiss as medicine.  Lazarus had to die to receive the kind of healing Jesus intended for him.    Heart stopped, flat EKG,  no blood pressure, and wrapped in grave cloths kind of death.  The kind that only Jesus knows what to do with.    And He did do something.  Lazarus come out! But not until after the unwanted death, the excruciating end of what was supposed to be a life well lived.   He was Jesus’ friend!!  Isn’t that enough to be spared from that kind of pain?  Nope.   “No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified thought it.” (John 11:4)

How about you?  What painful ending is crushing your soul?  What prayer have you prayed for years and years that hasn’t been answered?  And instead death has occurred?   I have experienced a great death in my life too.  I am walking in a life I never intended nor expected.  I have spent the last couple years crying out, begging, bargaining with God to restore what should have been.   But that is not the answer He has for me.  No, my healing is in death.  It is in the death of all the plans I made, the life I depended on, the things I had found security.   My resurrection is in the crushing where I have nothing left but Him.   

What if we turn the tables on the enemy who tells us all hope is lost?  What if we stand on the God who can raise the dead, who has healing in His wings?   What if we looked at the death, not as a complete ending but as a funnel to new life?   God is the God of death and darkness too, not just life and light.  He is there! With you in the depths of despair.

Lazarus is a foreshadowing of the death of Jesus.  There is no life without the death and resurrection of Jesus.  He traded his own life so we could have ours.

The enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.  But I have come to give life and life abundantly.  (John 10:10)

After the enemy has breached our walls and ravaged even the smallest crevices of our life, we have only 1 choice to live in the abundance God has promised:

Believe that He died for our sins and was resurrected to bring us life, a gift we can not earn.  And then accept the invitation to walk with Him.  On the cross,  he put death to death!  Death can no longer be the end for those who have put their trust in Him.   That means there can only be life after.  It is only in Him, that we can experience this kind of life changing healing.

For Lazarus and Brooke, healing came through their death.  And so does mine. And yours.  He not only heals but He resurrects life making all things new (Rev 21:5).  And not just any life, abundant life!   Just like Lazarus, we have to experience death in order to receive the kind of healing He has for us.  He is still in the business of saying, “Take off the grave cloths and go! (John 11:44).   Father, take my grave clothes! There is nothing my soul desires more than to trade this death for life. 

The Cup

The Cup

Psalm 16:5

Lord, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure.

I don’t know about you but I have a favorite cup.  I have a favorite coffee cup, a very cool handmade one from an eclectic coffee shop in Colorado.  Also, a favorite water cup, which happens to be this giant red cup that came from Lambert’s Cafe, a very famous joint in Missouri where they literally throw handmade rolls at you from across the room.  Yes, it’s bucket list kind of stuff people!

Just as these cups are significant to me, cups are significant to God.  The word “cup”  is used many times through out the bible. It has great symbolic meaning.  There was the “cup of salvation” and the “cup of joy” in Psalms, the “cup of consolation’ and the “cup of anger” in Jeremiah, a “cup of self righteousness” in Matthew, and a “cup of judgement” in Revelation.   All of these cups carry a purpose, but not all of them would you actually want to buy at your next Starbucks run….but they represent experiences in our lives at one time or another, a God appointed one.

Last week in FALSE EVIDENCE, we looked at the beginning of Joseph’s story, the favored son of Jacob, the dreamer and gifted one.  He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers.  Once in Egypt, he is favored by his new master, but ends up in jail (for years) because he’s wrongly accused.  Then, while in jail, interprets a dream of Pharaoh’s and becomes 2nd in command over Egypt!  Talk about ups and downs-wow!   And he was favored?   Yes, he was.

One of the dreams Joseph interpreted was the coming of a great famine.  He helped Egypt store food for 7 years in preparation.   Here’s where the twist begins….back at home, his father and brothers were starving to death and it was rumored that Egypt had grain to buy.  Jacob sent his sons to Egypt.  (Remember, he doesn’t know his son is even alive, much less a ruler of Egypt!) I’m going to paraphrase a very cool story you should read in Genesis 44- Joseph recognizes his brothers but does not reveal himself.  Instead he accuses them of being spies and sends them back home to fetch the youngest brother Benjamin.  Benjamin is Joseph’s true brother (remember all the others had different baby mamas).  They don’t return with him until they are running out of food again and because their father is adamant against it.  The second time they arrive and buy grain, Joseph secretly returns their money for the purchase of the grain in the sacks and hides his personal silver cup in Benjamins sack.   Once they are on their journey home, Joseph sends a steward after them to find the “stolen” cup and return the brothers to him.   They beg for mercy and Joseph says they can all leave except the one who stole the cup.  Of course they protest profusely.  One can speculate Joseph only wanted Benjamin to stay but ends up revealing himself to all his brothers and instead of revenge, saves their lives.  He tells them to go back and get his father and he blesses them with anything and everything they need.  Joseph’s reaction is a topic for a completely different day,  but it’s amazing how tragic his life was but completely ordained by The Lord.

The silver cup, the king’s cup, wasn’t stolen at all…..yet Benjamin was accused and practically arrested.  An unexpected cup…. given to him by the king, not brought upon himself… but given.  Which negates that whole ridiculous religious theory that struggles come to those outside of God’s will!   No, the cup had a purpose….to drive him straight back to the king…..straight into the arms of the king…..where the plan was revealed…where he ended up blessed.

I opened my eyes one day and the “cup” was presented to me….an unexpected one.   The struggles, the fear, and the obstacles that followed have been overwhelming. This cup was given to me by God, and there are days I have been angry at Him.  I didn’t want it and I didn’t ask for it.   But I’m convinced there is purpose.   It has driven me back to the King.  My friend, what cup has been presented to you?   Let it bring you back to the King, even if you’re angry and hurting.  Little by little, day by day, He is revealing His plan, revealing Himself.  This is a journey of trust.  I have decided to drink from that cup even if it tastes bitter, because I trust Him.   I am waiting expectantly for the cup of overwhelming joy, the cup of His revealed plan, the cup of purpose….the one that will taste a lot sweeter.


False Evidence

False Evidence

33 He recognized it and said, “It is my son’s robe! Some ferocious animal has devoured him. Joseph has surely been torn to pieces.” (Genesis 37)

Joseph’s robe….torn to pieces….blood stained…..presented to his father by his jealous brothers as proof of his death.  They hated him.  And resented their father because of the favor he showed Joseph.  Joseph was born to Jacob in his old age, by his wife Rachel, advanced in age as well, and Jacob recognized his birth as a blessing from God.   Jacob favored Rachel over his other wives even though she was barren all her life.  So now you get it, the brothers had other baby mamas….and Joseph, the youngest, was different.  He received dreams from God, his character was pure, and God’s favor was on his life.  And they hated him.

Jacob had given Joseph a beautiful elegant robe (a coat of many colors).  It was a token of his great love and recognition that Joseph was gifted with dreams from God (which would prove later to be 100% accurate).  But the robe……that the father bestowed on him, would bring a great deal of trouble.  A gorgeous garment… on a shepherd?…..climbing over rocks, walking through grass and mud, chasing sheep?   Can you imagine driving by a construction worker dressed in a $1000 suit?  Oh, the eye rolls, the jealousy….I’m sure Joseph was tempted to take it off, to hide his gift, hide his favor because it made others jealous….it made others conspire against him……

Read the rest of this entry

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Hi everyone!  I have finally yielded to the Holy Spirit and relaunched this blog!  He’s been on me for about 6 months now.   I avoided it because I knew writing this keeps me accountable to my quiet time with Him.  I’ve been through a lot in the last year and I knew it would be painful to allow The Spirit to go into the dark places.  And I just flat out didn’t want to do it.  But how can I say I’ll be real in this blog if I wait until I’m healed to write?  What good is that?  He wants me as I am.   So here I am again, knowing listening and obeying Him is always the right answer.   Thank you to all the many followers who stuck by me during this hiatus.    Its about to get real!